Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 6/30/24

Year: 2024

Turkuaz International Journal of Socio-Economic Strategic Research aims to share scientific and academic studies conducted in the field of social sciences and contribute to science.

Original scientific articles, research notes, scientific evaluations and analyzes that will contribute to the field of Social Sciences are within the scope of our journal. Turkuaz International Journal of Socio-Economic Strategic Research covers the fields of economics, finance, public administration, international relations, business, labor economics, econometrics, international trade, banking and finance.

Articles sent to Turkuaz International Journal of Socio-Economic Strategic Research are accepted only through the Dergipark system. If the following rules are not followed, article applications may be rejected by the editor before proceeding with the referee process.

General rules
1. Articles to be sent to the journal; It includes research articles, review articles and book reviews. These articles were previously published in another magazine, etc. It must not have been published anywhere and must not have been sent for publication.
Article Types:
Research Article: It is a study that conducts various field research or experiments in order to put forward and prove an idea in the light of previous scientific studies and presents their methods, findings and interpretation of the results. Research article; It consists of title, abstract and keywords, introduction, material and method, findings, discussion, conclusion and references.
Compilation Article: It is a study that includes synthesis, interpretation or evaluation by scanning articles published in scientific journals, bringing together their results, gathering them with tables or graphs. Compilation article; It consists of the title, abstract and introduction, followed by titles deemed appropriate by the author, conclusion and references.
Book Review: It is the description, analysis and evaluation of a source. Since the focus of the book review activity is criticism, the review is a study that reveals the weaknesses and strengths of the work rather than an essence.
2. Articles must be written in Turkish or English. Sentences must comply with grammar and spelling rules.
3. Authors are required to analyze the articles they have uploaded to the system with the Turnitin or iThenticate similarity program and upload the analysis report and signed author declaration forms showing the similarity rate with a maximum of 20% and a single source quote of less than 5%.
4. Information about the author(s) should not be included in the article file. Article title and short title, author(s) name and surname, title, institution, ORCID number and e-mail address information, and author statements regarding the research and publication should be included on a separate title page. The short title of the article should be a maximum of 55 characters and 8 words. Authors who do not have an ORCID number must obtain their numbers from the website https://orcid.org.
5. In multi-author articles, one of the authors must be specified as the responsible author and the article must be uploaded to the system by the responsible author. The corresponding author does not have to be the first author.
Main Text Writing Rules
General Order: Studies to be submitted for publication in the journal should be written in Microsoft Word 2010 or above format, between 5,000-9,000 words, all inclusive. The page structure should be A4 and the margins for each side of the page (right-left, top-bottom) should be 2.5 cm. If the article is outside these limits to a certain extent, the journal editorship decides to initiate the evaluation process.
Article Title: An article title appropriate to the subject of the study should be determined. The article title should be a maximum of 15 words. The article title should be written in bold letters, with the first letters capitalized and centered on the page (Times New Roman 14 point font). The Turkish and English title of the article should be placed before the Abstract.
Abstract: If the article is written in Turkish, it should be abstract in Turkish and abstract in English. If the article is written in English, it should be an abstract in English and an abstract in Turkish. It should be written as abstract or abstract, between 200-300 words, Times New Roman 11 pt, without paragraph indentation, 6 pt before and after the paragraph, 1.15 line spacing. In essence or abstract; Information about the subject, purpose, method, findings and conclusion of the article should be included. References should not be made in Turkish and English abstracts and abbreviations should not be used.
Keywords: 3-5 Turkish keywords should be included under the Turkish abstract, and 3-5 English keywords should be included under the English abstract.
Science Field Codes/JEL Codes: In order to more easily determine the field of the article to be sent to the journal, 2-3 Science Field Codes/JEL Codes should be specified. Science Area Codes/JEL Codes can be accessed at https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel.
Introduction: The importance, purpose, method and scope of the study should be clearly stated in the introduction.
Article Titles: Article main headings and subheadings 1., 1.1., 1.1.1. Numbers should be given starting from the 'Introduction' and including the 'Conclusion' (except the bibliography), using decimal numbers such as. Only the first letter of all headings should be capitalized and written in bold. There should be a 6 pt space before and after the headings.
Articles sent to Turkuaz International Journal of Socio-Economic Strategic Research are accepted only through the Dergipark system. If the following rules are not followed, article applications may be rejected by the editor before proceeding with the referee process.

In-Text Citation Writing Rules
• In-text citation (APA) method should be used in articles. In the citation, the author's surname, publication year and page number should be stated in parentheses (Ex: Akdoğan, 2014: 135).
Example: Tools used in tax competition; It can be stated as tax rate reduction, general tax incentives and discounts (Saraç, 2006: 125).
• If the surname of the author(s) is used in the sentence, it is sufficient to write the publication date in parentheses after the name.
Example: As stated by Nadaroğlu (2000), taxation principles; “It refers to the issues that must be taken into consideration in the selection, technique and implementation of taxes in order to realize the functions expected from the tax.”
• When citing works with two authors, the surnames of both authors should be written. The “&” sign should be used between the authors' surnames in parentheses (Ex: Çetinkaya & Demirbaş, 2022: 38).
Example: Tax avoidance represents an irresponsible practice that is inconsistent with a firm's obligations to society (Bird & Nozemack, 2018: 1010).
• When citing studies with three or more authors, the first author's surname and "et al." The phrase should be used (Ex: Gerçek et al., 2021: 220).
Example: While the tax debtor is described as the person who must take material action, tax liability has a content that includes material and formal duties (Şenyüz et al., 2022: 92).
• If more than one work of the author(s) has been published in the same year, references are made, symbols such as "a, b, c" should be written at the end of the publication year to ensure that the sources are separated from each other (Ex: Karakoç, 2021a: 82; Karakoç, 2021b: 257).
• If more than one study is cited at the end of the sentence, these sources should be included in parentheses and a semicolon (;) should be placed between them (Ex: Karakoç, 2021a: 148; Şenyüz et al., 2022: 257).
• Explanations about some issues that are wanted to be explained in the text can be stated as footnotes at the bottom of the page, and such footnotes should follow each other numerically. Footnotes should be written in Times New Roman 10 point font, justified, single line spaced, and 0 pt spacing before and after the paragraph. However, the reference cannot be given as a footnote or endnote at the bottom of the page.

References Writing Rules
• The author(s) must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition Publication Guide when preparing the bibliography. See American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000; American Psychological Association. (2021). Common Reference Examples Guide. https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/reference-examples.pdf.
• At the end of the article text, there should be a bibliography arranged alphabetically according to author surnames. The bibliography should include all sources cited in the text. Page numbers should be specified for chapters in periodicals and compilation books.
• If more than one work by the same author(s) is cited, the publication date should be started from the oldest one. If more than one work of the author(s) of the same date is cited, the references should be listed using the letters (a, b, ...) after the publication date, in the bibliography section as well as in the text. If an author's work with a single or multiple authors is cited, single-author works should be written first.
The bibliography should be created within the framework of the examples given below:
Source; It should be written using Times New Roman font, 12 point font, 1.15 line spacing and justified. There should be 6 pt spacing before and after the paragraph. The arrangement of the welds should be hanging and 1.25 cm from the inside.
Akdogan, A. (2014). Public Finance (16th Edition). Ankara: Gazi Bookstore.
Şen, H. & Sağbaş, İ. (2023). Tax Theory and Policy (5th Ed.). Ankara: Seçkin Publishing House.
Şenyüz, D., Yüce, M. & Gerçek A. (2022a). Turkish Tax System (19th Edition). Bursa: Ekin Publishing Publishing.
Şenyüz, D., Yüce, M. & Gerçek A. (2022b). Tax Law (13th Edition). Bursa: Ekin Publishing Publishing.
Gerçek, A., Çetin Gerger, G., Taşkın, T., Bakar, F. & Güzel, S. (2015). Taxpayer Rights: Türkiye Perspective and Development. Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
- Articles
Çelikkaya, A. (2021). Economic Analysis of the European Commission's Digital Services Tax Proposal. International Journal of Public Finance. 6(2), 176-192. https://doi.org/10.30927/ijpf.940748.
Kirchler, E., Kogler, C. & Muehlbacher, S. (2014). Cooperative Tax Compliance: From Deterrence to Defference. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 23(2), 87-92. https://doi.org/10.1177/0963721413516975.
― Book Section
Altuğ, F. (2009). An Evaluation on the Relationship between Public Functions and Public Institutions in Turkey. In Edizdoğan, N. (Ed.), Current Financial Issues (19-32). Bursa: Dora Publishing.
Lapavitsas, C. (2010). Financialized Capitalism: Crisis and Financial Confiscation. In Lapavitsas C. (Ed.), Oncel, T. (Trans.), Financialization and the Crisis of Capitalism (25-74). Istanbul: Procedure

Click for a sample article template.

- Although our journal's portfolio includes studies conducted in the fields under the umbrella of Economics and Administrative Sciences, interdisciplinary studies conducted in the fields under this umbrella are also in the field of interest of our journal.

- Turkuaz International Journal of Socio-Economic Strategic Research started its publication life in December 2019 and the publication period is determined as 2 issues per year.

- Issues of our magazine are published online in December and June of each year. Additionally, our journal's editor and editorial board have the authority to issue special issues.

- Articles are not accepted for a certain issue. Author(s) can submit their article at any time. However, studies submitted until the last day of May for the June issue and the last day of November for the December issue are taken into consideration. Works submitted after these dates will be evaluated for subsequent issues.

- Author(s) cannot request to bring forward the publication process of their articles for any reason.

- The publishing language of our journal is Turkish and English.

- Articles to be sent to our journal must comply with spelling and punctuation rules.

- Submitted articles must not have been published anywhere before and must not have been sent for evaluation.

-Academics, researchers and practitioners, experts, etc. contribute to our journal. can send broadcasts.

- In studies requiring ethics committee permission, information regarding the permission (committee name, date and publication number) should be included in the method section and on the first/last page of the article.

- An author whose work has been published in our magazine cannot have another work published in the issue following this publication. This rule applies to every author included in the works.

- In the evaluation of the studies sent to our journal, the opinions of two different referees are taken in accordance with the blind referee method. The number of referees may be increased when necessary by the Editorial Board. If one referee gives a positive opinion and the other gives a negative opinion, the study is sent to the third referee. The final decision is made according to the opinion of the third referee.

- Before submitting an article to our journal, the study in question must be scanned by the author in Turnitin or Ithenticate plagiarism programs. Studies with a maximum of 20% of the screening results and less than 5% of citations from a single source will be evaluated.

-The studies submitted to our journal should not include author information. The cover page containing author information should be prepared separately. On the cover page; The title of the article, the name and surname of the author(s), title, institution, contact information, brief CV and ORCID number must be written.

- When submitting a publication, authors must upload the cover file, anonymous publication file (or just the article title), plagiarism reports and the dataset, if available.

- While Microsoft documents are stored, personal information is also written into the file information. For blind referee purposes, your name (personal information) should be deleted in the information section of the word file.

-No royalty fee is paid to the authors for the works published in our journal.

- All publishing rights of the studies accepted and published in the journal belong to Turkuaz International Journal of Socio-Economic Strategic Research. These articles cannot be published or used in any other media outlet without citing the source.

- Necessary notification is made to the institution to which the author(s) who violates ethics is affiliated.

We do not pay any royalty fee to the authors for the works published in our journal, and no fee is charged for publication.